Motion Theory 2 at Adaptations complete!

Motion Theory 2 photo by Ow Ting Quan.

We have just returned from a very full-on 5.5 weeks in Singapore. Being involved in ‘Adaptations’ was a great opportunity for us. We would like to recount a little of the experience in this post.


Supernormal gallery.

Soon after the 2019 new year arrived we flew to Singapore. First we had a meeting with our project collaborator Kian Peng Ong at his gallery Supernormal. We met Ivan, the other half of Supernormal, and assistants Ting Quan and Nick. Melissa, another Adaptations artist, was there too working on her installation. We observed Kian Peng’s gallery and the framework for our installation.


Entrance to Gillman Barracks.
First site inspection.

The next day we visited our venue Gillman Barracks for the first time. Adaptations was held in Block 1 and 9 of the barracks. Our work, ‘Motion Theory 2’, was located in Block 9.

次の日会場となるギルマンバラックスへ行きました。展示のAdaptationsは2つの会場(ブロック1と2)で行われ、Motion Theory 2はブロック9に展示されました。


On the first install day we discussed how to use this space most effectively. Harzi and Bud from the install team were very nice and helpful. We would like to thank them for their professionalism and the kindness they brought to the exhibition.


Melissa (left) and Christiaan (right) preparing ‘Sound Wave of Empty Seas’.

In the same space next to ‘Motion Theory 2’ there was a work by Melissa Tan and Kian Peng; ‘Sound Wave of Empty Seas’. During the install we had a nice dinner together with Melissa, partner Christiaan and other exhibiting artist Darren Ng. We also had nice conversations with artists Jodi Cheung and Andreas Schlegel. It was great to share their opinion about local art, the arts community, galleries, jobs, education and so on. We really enjoyed having conversations with them, even as the install passed midnight.

Motion Theory 2と同じ部屋にはメリッサタンとキアンペンオンのコラボレーション「Sound Wave of Empty Seas」があり、仕込み中はメリッサとよく話して、メリッサのパートナーのクリスチアーン、隣の部屋のアーティスト、ダレンンーと夕飯を食べたのがとても楽しかったり、ジョディチュン、アンドレアスシュレーゲルとも仲良くなりました。シンガポールのアート事情、ギャラリー、仕事、大学などなどについて色々話し、毎日夜遅くまで残り作業ながらも楽しい時間を過ごしました。

Delivering installation to the venue. Kian Peng on the back of the truck.
A day before the opening…

We went on a trip to Sim Lim Tower to buy speakers, cables and electronics, then packed and transported most of the exhibition’s elements by truck from Supernormal to Gillman Barracks.


SAW signs were everywhere in the city.
Exhibition wall text.
Art After Dark night performance.

We had large audiences throughout the whole exhibition period. We did 4 performances during the 4 weeks, developing further each time. On Art After Dark day the room was completely packed as you can see in the picture above. We wonder where these thousands of audience came from. Singapore isn’t really that small!


Darren Ng’s beautiful interactive sound installation ‘The Melancholia of a Stroll’.
Jodi Cheung ‘Adventures of Fortune: Run Cat Run’ was always crowded by massive audiences!

When we didn’t have performances we visited art spaces and caught up with artists we met during Singapore Inside Out: Sydney 2017.
We saw two performances ‘Bound’ and ‘Remembering’ by RAW Moves & a Little RAW Company at the Asian Civilisation Museum as part of Light to Night Festival 2019. ‘Remembering’ had a cube of projections. Dancers’ bodies and shadows blended beautifully with the light. A group of duets in stretchy fabric were also quirky and cute. It was a really lovely performance.
Next, we visited Urich and Yue Han who curated the Sim Lim Square Art Residency; also part of Singapore Art Week. The residency was held in an abandoned shop turned pop-up art space on an upper level of the famous electronics shopping building. The works were vibrant, confused and mechanical. We liked their approach and that their ideas were so unusual.

RAW Moves & a Little RAW Companyのパフォーマンスをアジア文明博物館で見ました。「Remembering」という作品は布がかかったキューブの空間にダンサーの影、プロジェクターの光、ダンサーの身体がきれいに消えたり重なったり、それがとても素敵なパフォーマンスでした。
次にユーリックとユハンが二人でキュレーションしていたSim Lim Square Art Residencyを見に行きました。このプロジェクトもシンガポールアートウィークの一環で、会場が電化製品を売っているビルの最上階なのですが、小売店がほぼ立ち退きシャッターが閉まっています。そのうちの一店舗をアーティストの滞在制作兼展示スペースとして使っていました。ゴチャゴチャしている雑多な感じや混沌、コンセプトがとても面白いなと思いました。

Sim Lim Square Art Residency curated by Urich Lau and Teow Yue Han.
RAW Moves studio entrance at Goodman Arts Centre.

Thank you to Kian Peng for inviting us to Singapore to join Adaptations and continue developing Motion Theory. We had a very short initial collaboration in 2017 and it was good to re-connect. This time we could spend 5 weeks talking, building and experimenting. We appreciate Kian Peng offering us a different way of working as well as introducing us to many inspiring people, and a whole new country to explore.
Thank you also to the Australia Council for the Arts, The National Arts Council Singapore and Singapore Art Week for supporting our project.
We will update our Motion Theory 2 work page soon. Stay tuned!

今回シドニーのコラボレーションから引き続きMotion Theoryを発展させる機会を頂き、シンガポールに呼んでくれたキアンペンにとても感謝しています。コラボレーションは難しく1度きりで終わることも多いですが、2017年の短い創作時間からもう一度作り直して、話し合って、実験して、5週間作品に向き合えたことは、とても良い経験になりました。キアンペンの作品の向き合い方、発想、彼の素敵な友人達に沢山発見やインスピレーションをもらいました。感謝です!

Kian Peng discussing ‘Motion Theory 2’ with the minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Singapore.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.