It has been a while since we posted to our blog. The last time was an update about our trip to Japan at the beginning of 2020. Since then most of this year’s projects were postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19. Things are starting to look a little more positive now. Venues in Australia that have survived are slowly opening back up.
In our most recent news, Anna will be involved in the Choreography Lab ‘WHY IS THIS CONTEMPORARY?’ run by Critical Path and PYT Fairfield starting next week. She will be working with Eliam Royalness (hip-hop & vogue dancer), Neda Taha (hip hop dancer) and facilitator Martin Del Amo (dancer/choreographer).
David is creating building projections in advance for Illuminate 2021 Festival of Art & Light.
We hope that after the confusion and pain caused by current events the world will become a better place; the power of art leading the rise.
Murasaki Penguin is currently working on an exciting project we will announce soon!
Critical PathとPYT Fairfieldの共催による振付ラボ、レジデンス‘WHY IS THIS CONTEMPORARY?’が来週から始まります。エライアムロイヤルネス(ヒップホップ&ヴォーガー)ネダタハ(ヒップホップダンサー)と私3人、それにファシリテーターとしてマーティンデルアモ(ダンサー、振付家)によってリサーチが行われます。
デイビットは来年に持ち越しが決定したプロジェクションマッピングのフェスティバルIlluminate 2021 Festival of Art & Lightの準備中です。
Murasaki Penguinでは現在プロジェクトが進行中です。そちらはまたの機会にお知らせします!