HAPPY HOUR on Sunday 3rd of April. Anna is performing her new work development Kanji flowing from Kanji calligraphy’s basic 4 rhythms of brush motion, ‘flow’, ‘stop’, ‘hook’ and ‘fade’. She will also work with stroke path, shade, meaning and feeling, creating an unexpected variety of movement and rhythm.
The first Happy Hour has been curated by dancer, choreographer and film maker Diane Busuttil on the theme;
The title is inspired by the sounds of Missy Elliot. Featuring works from Omer and Sharon Backley-Astrachan performing TOHU and Anna Kuroda performing KANJI.
We hope to see you there!
4月3日UltimoにあるReadymade Worksにて私個人で制作中の「Kanji」30分のソロパフォーマンスを行います。昨年末から日本語を話さない人に習字のワークショップを行いながら振付をリサーチしています。とめ、はね、はらいの動きや、書き順、意味、等を重ね動きとリズムを作っています。Diane Busuttilによるキュレーションで私の他OmerとSharon Backley-Astrachanのパフォーマンス「TOHU」もあります。