CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 was a success!


Photo by Kazuyuki Matsumoto. 撮影: 松本和幸

Well, how about that! CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 has come to an end.

Anna Kuroda and I spent a year developing the work in Sydney and Yokohama, sometimes together, often staying in touch between countries using live streaming software. It has been a challenge but at the same time an experience we will never forget.



We couldn’t be more thankful to the staff at Shopfront for commissioning CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts Young and Emerging Artist Commissions, and to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority for offering us the Cleland Bond Building in The Rocks in which to stage the Australian side of the project. On the Japanese side we need to thank ST Spot, for working with us throughout the year to find support for the project in Japan, Yokohama City, IZAYOI Yoshidamachi Studio for offering us their brand new venue and Steep Slope Studio for their rehearsal space and faith in the project.



We are incredibly proud of the young performers in Australia and Japan. It was interesting working with a younger, relatively untrained team of artists in Sydney compared to quite highly trained, slightly older dancers and theatre performers in Yokohama. Both groups had their strong points and I don’t think CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 would have worked without this diversity. One of our favourite parts of the project was seeing how well the performers from each country formed friendships and worked together, even though they had never met in person. Kei Ikeda, our volunteer assistant choreographer in Australia, was a huge help in making sure the Sydney performers reached their full potential and we can’t recommend her enough. Thanks also to Daniel Potter, our production manager, for soldering LEDs at 2am in the morning.


No_319-CompressedPhoto by Kazuyuki Matsumoto. 撮影: 松本和幸

Thank you to everyone who came to watch and participate in the installation and performances each day. It was great to see the variety of people who attended in both cities; tourists, other artists, passing workers, shoppers and those who made a point of attending the performances. You made the work what it was.



Thanks very much to our Pozible supporters; Sarah Miller, Georgia Wallace-Crabbe, Nikki Heywood, Ella Barclay, Toby Knyvett, Bernadette Flynn, Paul Heath, Ruvi Perumal, Augusta Supple, Maria White, Glenn Murray, Michela Ledwidge, Arnab Ahmed, Anna Jones and our anonymous friends. Your rewards will be on their way shortly!



A full project summary, video and photo documentation from CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 will continue popping up throughout the next month or two. Stay tuned to and for updates.



Commissioning & Key Japanese Organisations
Shopfront / ST Spot, IZAYOI Yoshidamachi Studio, Steep Slope Studio

Lead Artists
Murasaki Penguin:
David Kirkpatrick (AUS) and Anna Kuroda (JPN)

Young Artists (Sydney)
Alhassan Sankoh, Caitlin McGarrell, Elaine Tong, Greta Miller, James Calvaruso, Kain Creed, Matthew Massaria, Samantha Crome, Sapphire Tait. Choreography support by Kei Ikeda

Young Artists (Yokohama)
Erisa Kubo, Koutaro Yagi, Manaho Kaneko, Misato Mochizuki, Yu Kakehata, Yuri Nishimura

Production Manager / Production Support
Daniel Potter / Kevin Ng and Guin Klevjer

Cleland Bond Building, Sydney
Izayoi Yoshidamachi Studio, Yokohama

ショップフロント / STスポット, 十六夜吉田町スタジオ, 急な坂スタジオ

Murasaki Penguin:
デイビットカークパトリック 黒田杏菜

アルハサンサンコー, ケイトリンマクガレル, エレイントング, グレータミラー,ジェームスカルヴァルソ, ケインクレード, マテューマッサリア, サマンサクロム,サファイアタイト.
振付助手 池田慧

久保枝里紗, 八木光太郎, 金子愛帆, 望月美里, 欠畑悠, 西村友里

テクニカルリーダー / テクニカルサポート
ダニエルポッター / ケビンエヌジー, グウィンクレヴィアー

クレランドボンドビルディング / 十六夜吉田町スタジオ

Special Thanks
The staff at Shopfront, ST Spot (Katsuhiro Ohira and Ryota Sato), Steep Slope Studio (Yumina Kato), Izayoi Yoshidamachi Studio (Sachio Ichimura, Kyoko Yokokawa and Mami Takahashi), Belvoir St Theatre, Bell Shakespeare and all the other organisations who have helped us along the way. Bec Dean, Kevin Tsang (80/20 Australia), Neck Ro, Arnab Ahmed, Toby Knyvett, Adrian Taylor, Renata Hadzic, Len Samperi, Lucy Watson, Sarah Agharzarmian, Mickie Quick (Blood & Thunder), Cindy Rodriguez, Muramatsu Company, Taiyo Construction, Ryusuke Nagano, the Kirkpatrick and Kuroda families.

ショップフロントのスタッフ、STスポット(大平勝弘、佐藤亮太)、急な坂スタジオ(加藤弓奈)、十六夜吉田町スタジオ(市村作知雄、横川京子、高橋マミ)、ベルボアセント劇場、ベルシェイクスピアカンパニーと全ての助けて下さった機関の方々。べックディーン、ケヴィンツァング(80/20オーストラリア)、ネクロ、アナブアームド、トビーナイヴェット、エイドリアンテイラー、レナータハドズィック、レンサンペリ、ルーシーワトソン、サラアグハルザルミアン、ミキクイック(ブラッド&サンダー)、シンディーロドリゲス、村松商事、 大洋建設、永野龍典、カ―クパトリック家と黒田家。

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Supported by Yokohama City



2 responses to “CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 was a success!”

  1. Saskia Vromans Avatar
    Saskia Vromans

    Congratulations! I look forward to seeing how you develop this project further.

    1. Caitlin Newton-Broad Avatar
      Caitlin Newton-Broad

      Thank you for the gorgeous presents of the cookbook and documentation. Was a pleasure to receive. Looking forward to seeing the final cut of Citylights for people who missed such an exquisite piece of work!