Hello. Our ‘Depth’ residency began today.
The venue is Readymade Space in Ultimo. It is a very nice space for dancing.
We started with the question ‘How do we make flat body and movement in 3D space?’ We moved as if we were in a flat narrow space without any rotation movement. It worked very well if you stood facing the dancer but as soon as you moved out of that line, things became more dimensional.
稽古場はシティのUltimoにあるReadymade Spaceという所です。ダンスにはとても良い場所です。「どうやったら3Dの空間に平たい身体でいられるか?」という疑問から。まずは平たく狭い所にいる前提で、内転や外転の動きは使わずに動きました。ダンサーの真正面に立てばそれはとてもうまくいったのですが、そこからはずれればすぐに空間は広がってみえるのでした。
We found dimensionality depends on where the dancer stands, the audience’s position, background image, colours, lighting and shadow.
Looking forward to tomorrow!