Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023 complete

We finished presenting our new work Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023, SCOOL, Mitaka. Please see details on the Dove Lake page.

Dance Lab 2023 にて新作「Dove Lake」@三鷹SCOOLでの上演を無事終えました。作品についてはDove Lakeページをご覧ください。

Dance Lab 2023 Tokyo Artists

First of all, thanks to Mikuni Yanaihara from Nibroll for inviting us to join Dance Lab. We are very happy with the result and enjoyed collaborating with Yu-Feng Lai during the Taiwan and Japan exchange.


I (Anna) was inspired by a natural phenomenon of bubbles forming in orderly rows across the surface of Dove Lake in Tasmania, Australia; the scenery, the colour of the water and its movement constantly and instantly changing. This image stayed with me since visiting Dove Lake on Cradle Mountain in 2017. It wasn’t easy to share this experience with an audience that hasn’t seen it but working on the piece ‘Dove Lake’ challenged us to pass the expression of an abstract image through our work.

私は2017年に行ったタスマニアのクレイドルマウンテンにあるDove Lakeという湖の、水面の泡が作った無数の線や、距離によって変わる水の色、歩くたびに変わる風景や、一瞬にして作りそして消えてしまう泡の線などに影響を受けました。その景色は未だに私の中に残っていて、この抽象的なイメージを形や動きにし、表現する事をそれらの景色を見ていない人へどうやって共有するか、Dove Lakeが与えてくれた挑戦でした。

Exploration Day 13

The rehearsal process was quite different to that of our previous works. Yu-Feng instantly remembered my improvisation then delivered the movement with his own reshaping. The back and forth repetition gave the work strength. Dove Lake was only possible because of Yu-Feng.

今回のリハーサルは今までと全く異なりました。ヨウフォンが直ぐに杏菜の即興の動きを覚えて、そこからヨウフォンが動きを杏菜に渡し、動きを更に変えていく作業を何度も反復させていきました。Dove Lakeはヨウフォンがいたからできた作品でした。

Photo by Keisuke Takahashi

We had Nibroll’s projector to test ideas in the space from an early stage. David could spend some time figuring out how to create our interpretation of the lake through light and sound.
It was nice to have Mikuni and Keisuke visit our studio for a preview and feedback session that made us solidify what we had been working on. We were also able to hear comments from fellow Dance Lab artists Setsuko-san and Tomoko-san during rehearsals. It was valuable time for us.


Rehearsal at MPP Totsuka

After performing Dove Lake we received positive feedback and we hope to perform this work in many places around the world.

Dove Lakeを上演した後、嬉しいフィードバックを頂いて、色々な場所でこの作品が上演されると良いなと思います。

Wrap at MPP Totsuka