June is coming…
The IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival was really successful. They had heaps more visitors and shops than last year. It was a lovely evening to see incredible work done by the projection mapping team, Khaled, Jerome and David, with material provided by local people, artists and students. You can see more photos by clicking on to the pictures above.
You may enjoy this festival in the next year as well.
昨年より始まったIlluminARTe Wollondillyフェスティバルが今年も大盛況後終了しました。今年は来場数が一気に増え、出店も沢山あり、花火ありとても盛り上がりました。プロジェクションマッピングチームのカレッド、ジェローム、デイビットお疲れ様でした。また映像の素材は地元の人達、アーティストから学生まで沢山の人より提供されました。上の写真をクリックするともっと写真をみる事ができます。

Photo by Manuela Montella (left) and Joshua Morris (right)
I will teach a workshop soon, run by Seet Dance at Surry Hills Community Centre.
Anna Kuroda, a current finalist in Japan’s most prestigious choreography award, is teaching a 3-part workshop at Seet Dance on “Presence & Performance”. Anna has ultra-magnetic stage presence and her workshop will offer techniques on increasing concentration and the ability to appear (and disappear) on stage. This is an ALL AGES workshop ideal for dancers, actors, performance artists, etc. It will run on three consecutive Sundays at 3.30pm. Dates are 5, 12, 19 June. Spots are limited.
Please contact to http://www.seetdance.com/ for more info.
There was an article about my Studio Switch residency in Liverpool Leader, the local newspaper.
It is already half way through the residency! The flyer is below. Please find my development blog at http://annakuroda-work-blog.tumblr.com/.
今週のリバプールの新聞に今私がレジデンスアーティストのStudio Switchの記事が掲載されています。芸術家6人の事が少し書かれています。写真は音楽家のAceです。