Murasaki Penguin Project

Photo by David Kirkpatrick

From early last year we have been working with Kengo Kuma and Associates and Taiyo Construction on a new building in Totsuka, Yokohama, Japan called ‘Murasaki Penguin Project’. The building will have a daycare centre upstairs and arts space below. We have finally made it back to Japan and are very excited to see our ideas beginning to take shape!

昨年初旬から隈研吾建築都市設計事務所大洋建設とMurasaki Penguin Projectに関わっています。横浜市の戸塚区に保育園とアートスペースを建設中です。コロナ禍でのビザ・渡航許可申請や隔離期間を経てやっと日本へ入国でき、アイディアが少しずつ形になりつつあります!

Photo by David Kirkpatrick

From June – September this year a beautiful architectural model was on display in the ‘Kuma Kengo: Five Purr-fect Points for a New Public Space‘ exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.


Photo by David Kirkpatrick

Above is a current work-in-progress shot of the venue foundations. Please follow along with us as this hole in the ground turns into an awesome new place to make art. We will keep you up to date as construction continues.


Photo by Marvel Studios
Photo from Destin Daniel Cretton (@destindaniel)

Bonus news! For most of the last year Anna worked on Marvel Studios’ ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ as Fala Chen’s Stand In/Picture Double. Anna also had the performer roles ‘Villager’ and ‘Assassin’. The movie is in theatres now.
