TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016


We are pleased to announce Murasaki Penguin has been nominated as a finalist for the TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016.

Murasaki PenguinのWindowの振付がトヨタコレオグラフィーアワード2016のファイナリストとして選ばれました。

We will perform our current work ‘Window’ at Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo on the 6th of August.

It is a great opportunity to present our work in front of a big audience. Thanks to Off Nibroll, ST Spot, Ausdance NSW, ACPE and others for your support. Thanks also to the people who have supported us by mentioning feedback and compliments after our previous Window performances. We feel this piece brought us together with people who appreciate our work and who have encouraged us to continue future development.

We are looking forward to perform Window again in Japan and to the new encounters it will bring.


大きな会場で沢山のお客さんの前で作品を上演できる機会を頂けてとても有難く思っています。Windowを制作するにあたりダンスインアジアに招待して下さったOff Nibroll、STスポット又レジデンスの場を下さったAusdance NSW、ACPE、又その他沢山のサポートに感謝申し上げます。
