Upcoming Projects April – July

Photo by Eri Chiba

Photo by Eri Chiba

Hello! 2015 has started calmly…


We travelled to Japan for 3 weeks and were inspired by traditional theatre, performance, music, architect and food.


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After seeing a Kabuki performance we were offered a backstage tour of the National Theatre of Japan. Behind us you can see all the props and staging hand-made from wood. The stage floor is very soft. It reminded me of the long history of this theatre.

After returning to Sydney we are having a busy time.




1st, David is making projection mapping work for IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival in Picton, NSW on the 11th of April. Please come along!

1つ目、デイビットは今シドニー西部のピクトンという町で行われるIlluminARTe Wollondilly Festivalのプロジェクションマッピングの制作真っ最中です。


2nd, David is sound designing ‘Five Properties of Chainmale‘. It will be staged at the Griffin Theatre from 15th April – 9th May 2015 and is directed by Nicholas Hope (Award winning actor in Rolf de Heer’s ‘Bad Boy Bubby’).
Their Pozible campaign is still going so please support them if you can!

2つ目、デイビットが楽曲提供するFive Properties of Chainmaleの本番がもうすぐGriffin Theatreで4月15~5月9日まで行われます。監督はニコラスホープです。ニコラスホープはカンヌ映画祭でノミネートされているロルフ・デ・ヒーア監督の作品「バッドボーイバビー」の主役で多数受賞されている俳優です。私も映画を拝見しましたが素晴らしい作品だと思いました。


3rd, Anna will join the SMUDGE project by Ballet Lab and Brook Andrew at RMIT Design Hub in May.

3つ目、私は5月にメルボルンのRMIT Design Hubに滞在しBallet LabのPhillip AdamとダンサーズとBrook Andrewの新作SMUDGEの制作に参加します。


4th, We saw Mikuni and Keisuke from Nibroll in Yokohama. They invited us to perform in July at ‘Dance In Asia’, to be held at ST spot, Yokohama. We will create a new work for this festival.

Stay tuned for more Murasaki Penguin news!

4つ目、今回帰国した際私達はニブロールの矢内原美邦さんと高橋啓祐さんとお会いしました。7月にSTspotで行われるDance In Asiaに参加させて頂く事になりました。これからその新作の準備にかかります。楽しみです。


Photo by Eri Chiba

Photo by Eri Chiba