Upcoming projects in July

Way Out West Festival For Children
Upcoming projects in July…
David is creating a multimedia for the CuriousWorks ‘ReFill‘ project at Way Out West Festival For Children.

“Curious kids at WOW (Way Out West) will be invited to step into the PODIS and navigate through a selection of short films made by Miller Technology High School students about the outta space experiences of growing up.”

The festival is from 13th until 16th of July at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. There are really cool events (performances, workshops, film screening and interactive plays) going on. Don’t miss out!

デイビットはCuriousWorksが制作している ‘ReFill‘ プロジェクトのマルチメディアを作っています。プロジェクトはWay Out West Festival For Childrenに参加します。

フェスティバルにきた子供たちは電話ボックスに入るとMiller Technology High Schoolの学生によって作られた未来にタイムスリップする映像をみる事ができます。

WOWフェスティバルは7月13日~16日Casula Powerhouse Arts Centreで行われます。イベントは本当に色々盛りだくさんで(パフォーマンス、ワークショップ、映画、遊び)是非是非足を運んでみてください!

Australia Embassy Tokyo

We are going to Japan to perform our piece at the Toyota Choreography Award 2016. We received support from the Australia Japan Foundation to travel over to Japan and make this project happen. Thank you very much for your great help. You can find us on the Australia Embassy Tokyo event page.


Toyota Choreography Award FlyerAus_Japan_Logo_Long_FA OL-01-02

Murasaki Penguin’s ‘Window’ at the TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016 is supported by the Australia-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


You can book tickets as have been released recently. Please find further details on the TCA website.

先日チケットが発売されました。詳細はトヨタのページをご覧ください。TCA website


I will perform a 15 minute solo with David’s music as an opening act at an event called ‘No end in sight’. KENTARO!! and Ikuyo Kuroda will perform solo works. The event will be from 8th until 10th of July at RAFT. I will be on Saturday the 9th of July, 7PM start.

RAFTで行われる「No end in sight」KENTARO!!さんと黒田育代さんのソロ2本立て公演があります。そのオープニングアクトで私は9日に(8日はかえるP、10日は高橋萌登)15分のソロを踊らせて頂く事になりました。デイビットは音楽で参加します。予約は締め切られていますが、当日券がでると思います。
8日(金) 19:30
9日(土) 19:00

料金 当日:3,000円



I finished my 9 weeks Studios Switch residency at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. You can see my process of visual and physical experimentation here. Thanks to the people who came to the Physical Copy workshop!

9週間に及ぶStudios Switchレジデンスが終了しました。制作過程はブログでご覧いただけます。→here. ワークショップに来てくれたみんなありがとう!