CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 Development Session 6

The last development session before January was at the Sydney venue, the Cleland Bond building. It was beautiful weather. First we met at Shopfront and then we moved to Circular Quay by train. There was a market in the Rocks as well when we arrived.

1月に入る前の最後の稽古はシドニー会場のCleland Bond buildingでした。とても良い天気でした。まずはShopfrontで集合してその後みんなで電車でサーキュラーキーの駅まで移動しました。私達が会場に着いた時ロックスではマーケットが開いていました。

The young people put their costumes on. They looked nice. I liked it. We then started with Tai chi exercise. After that we marked through the short performance.


The space is very interesting. I hope the audience also enjoys walking in this space. Look at the nice wall of the Cleland Bond building.

空間がやっぱりとても素敵でした。お客さんが中を歩いたらまたさらに楽しめると思います。写真に写っていますがCleland Bond buildingの壁は良い味が出ていると思います。(オーストラリアの古い歴史にある砂の石でできています。)

David and Daniel were trying to figure out the projection and installation work. It will be very beautiful. I am so excited to see the mixture of movement with projection and installation.


Finally, we could run through the performance. There is still lots of stuff we have to work on but after talking in the circle they tried their best I think. I was touched and impressed. I hope we can develop and concrete in the January intensive session.



CITYLIGHTS~街の灯 now has a Pozible Campaign with a video about the progress of our work in Sydney.

CITYLIGHTS~街の灯は Pozible Campaignにシドニーの制作過程がビデオになって載っています。

Please visit, watch the video and spread the word!! If you would like to donate to our project we would appreciate very much. You can do that at the Pozible link too. Our next blog will be from JAPAN!
