Tag: Projection
Dove Lake + Aqua Line is coming
From 30th November – 2nd December 2024, we will be presenting our second collaboration with Taiwanese dancer Yu-Feng Lai at the upcoming YPAM Fringe. ‘Dove Lake’ and new work ‘Aqua Line’ will be performed at MPP Totsuka as a double bill. Both works will be exploring movement of colours created by light and waves through…
Translating Colour and Sound Lab
On the 23rd November 2023 we are running a ‘Translating Colour and Sound Lab’ for young people in collaboration with LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE. It is inspired by our recent work ‘Stutter‘ which will be part of YPAM this year. Participants will be able to paint with light and sound, with the results being shown at…
Performance with Passepartout Duo
We had a performance collaborating with Passeportout Duo on the 16th April 2023. Thanks to people who came to MPP Totsuka. It was a wonderful time together. 2023年4月16日現代音楽デュオ、パスパルトゥーデュオとコラボレーションしました。MPP Totsukaまでパフォーマンスを観に来て下さった皆様ありがとうございました。
Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023 complete
We finished presenting our new work Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023, SCOOL, Mitaka. Please see details on the Dove Lake page. Dance Lab 2023 にて新作「Dove Lake」@三鷹SCOOLでの上演を無事終えました。作品についてはDove Lakeページをご覧ください。
New work at Dance Lab
We are very excited to join Nibroll’s Dance Lab.We will be creating a new work collaborating with Taiwanese dancer Lai Yu-Feng during residencies in Taipei and at MPP Totsuka. Nibrollの新プロジェクトDance Labに参加します。Murasaki Penguinはダンサーのヨウ・フォンと一緒に台湾とMPP戸塚で滞在制作します。
Stutter Premiere in Singapore and MWMW Event at MPPT are Complete
Thank you very much to all the people who came to the Stutter premiere in Singapore. We had a great journey with RAW Moves. Stutterプレミアにご来場いただき誠にありがとうございました。RAW Movesととても充実した新作制作、上演をすることができました。
Stutter BTS Trailer
Our new work ‘Stutter’ SOLD OUT on 2/12 (Fri)!LIMITED TICKETS left for 1/12 (Thurs) & 3/12 (Sat), book your tickets now at rawmoves.net/stutter. 新作「Stutter」チケットがほぼ売り切れました。初日と楽日のチケットがわずかに残っておりますので、是非シンガポールにいる方はこの機会をお見逃しなく。
New work 「/fold」
Our new work「/fold」is up on our works page. We presented this work at the MURASAKI PENGUIN PROJECT TOTSUKA studio opening. Please check it out. 新作「fold」を作品ページにアップしました。MURASAKI PENGUIN PROJECT TOTSUKAスタジオのオープニングで上演しました。是非チェックしてみてください。
Nibroll「距離のない旅」大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2022
Nibroll ‘A journey without distance’ will come to Echigo Tsumari Triennale 2022.16:00 7th-10th October 2022 at Kamigo Clove Theatre, Niigata.10月に妻有越後トリエンナーレにニブロール「距離のない旅」が上演されます!7月の初演を観た方も、見逃した方も是非この機会に、芸術祭と一緒に楽しみませんか。公演詳細・チケットはこちら
Murasaki Penguin Project Totsuka Opening Event
After a 2-and-a-half year journey we are finally launching the new performing arts and multimedia space ‘MURASAKI PENGUIN PROJECT TOTSUKA’ in Yokohama. Everyone is welcome to watch the opening event live stream on the 3rd of September. Please help us out by following this link and subscribing to our new YouTube channel today! If you…
Nibroll’s new work ‘A journey without distance’ had a great audience response. Thank you to the people who came to the theatre and all crew, students and people who were thinking about this show. We are going on tour to Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale from the 7th to the 10th of October 2022 at Kamigo…