New creation Stutter with RAW Moves in Singapore

We are off to Singapore to create our new work, ‘Stutter‘, commissioned by RAW Moves. We are very excited to make our second work with RAW Moves, following on from ‘Subtle Downtempo No’ in 2019. Thanks to Ricky Sim, Director of RAW Moves for inviting us and thanks to the National Arts Council Singapore, Saison Foundation and other arts organisations and supporters for helping to make this happen.

Tickets are available now. Quote “EB20” to enjoy a 20% Early Bird Discount until the 25th October. We are very excited!

まもなく始まる新作「Stutter」の滞在制作でシンガポールへ参ります。ダンスカンパニーRAW Movesの委嘱で、今回がSubtle Downtempo Noに続き、2回目の委嘱作品になります。再び呼んでくださったRAW Moves、ディレクターRicky Sim、そして助成のナショナル・アーツカウンシルシンガポール、セゾン文化財団、その他芸術組織やサポーターに感謝申し上げます。
