Tag: ニブロール

  • Nibroll ‘wind, water or empty sky’ Complete

    Nibroll ‘wind, water or empty sky’ Complete

    We finished performing in Nibroll’s ‘wind, water or empty sky’ at Hyakunenngo Art Fesival – Uchiboso Art Festival Exhibition. Thank you very much to everyone who came to the beautiful location of Tabuchi and traveled with us to the “Chibanian” era rock strata in Yoro River Basin. Thank you to Oishi san and all the…

  • Collaborating on Nibroll’s New Work ‘wind, water or empty sky’ at 100nengo Art Festival

    Collaborating on Nibroll’s New Work ‘wind, water or empty sky’ at 100nengo Art Festival

    We are going to collaborate with Nibroll to create new work ‘wind, water or empty sky’ at 100nengo Art Festival. 百年後芸術祭にて上演される、ニブロール新作「風か水やがらんとした空か」にMurasaki Penguinが参加致します。 Anna will work with Mikuni Yanaihara and Jo Lloyd. She will choreograph a section based on ‘light’. David will work on sound with SKANK and Keisuke Takahashi, creating ‘wind’. The work will be…

  • Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023 complete

    Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023 complete

    We finished presenting our new work Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023, SCOOL, Mitaka. Please see details on the Dove Lake page. Dance Lab 2023 にて新作「Dove Lake」@三鷹SCOOLでの上演を無事終えました。作品についてはDove Lakeページをご覧ください。

  • Nibroll「距離のない旅」大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2022

    Nibroll ‘A journey without distance’ will come to Echigo Tsumari Triennale 2022.16:00 7th-10th October 2022 at Kamigo Clove Theatre, Niigata.10月に妻有越後トリエンナーレにニブロール「距離のない旅」が上演されます!7月の初演を観た方も、見逃した方も是非この機会に、芸術祭と一緒に楽しみませんか。公演詳細・チケットはこちら

  • Nibroll「距離のない旅」横浜公演無事終演!

    Nibroll’s new work ‘A journey without distance’ had a great audience response. Thank you to the people who came to the theatre and all crew, students and people who were thinking about this show. We are going on tour to Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale from the 7th to the 10th of October 2022 at Kamigo…

  • Nibroll新作「距離のない旅」

    We will be working on Nibroll’s new piece ‘A journey without distance’. Tickets will start being sold on the 1st of July 2022. Do not miss it! The details are below in Japanese. ニブロール新作「距離のない旅」に出演(黒田)、映像・照明(カークパトリック)で参加致します。チケット発売2022年7月1日です。是非観にいらしてください。