DAIR Showing 2015

DAIR Residency Showing finished. Thank you for coming to support and see our work in progress of Window.

DAIRレジデンスのショーイングが無事終了しました。観に来てくれた方々本当にありがとうございました。Photo by Grant Moxom

Here are some sneak peak from our showing.
Anna Healey from Ausdance NSW

Ausdance NSWの私達を担当してくれたアンナヒーリーDAIR Showing1 DAIR Showing5 DAIR Showing7

Talking about concept of Window.

Windowコンセプトについて説明DAIR Showing8

Gideon PG


Michal ImelskiP1000074

Murasaki PenguinP1000076

Thanks again for supporting and giving us such a great opportunity Ausdance NSW and ACPE.
We are flying to Japan in couple of days and start another development at ST Spot and Steep Slope Studio in Yokohama. Looking forward to it!

この様な機会を与えて下さりAusdance NSWとACPEに、本当にありがとうございました。