IlluminARTe 2017 pictures

Photo by Anna Kuroda

We would like to share some images from the IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival 2017.
This stunning air brush painting is by Daus Von Roe. All works on this page were mapped to buildings by Murasaki Penguin for Wollondilly Shire Council.

Photo by Anna Kuroda

Photo by Anna Kuroda

The works above are by students from Wollondilly Anglican College.

Photo by Anna Kuroda

Photo by Anna Kuroda

The dance film above is by Lisa Maris McDonell.

Photo by Anna Kuroda

Photo by Anna Kuroda

These works above are also by Daus Von Roe.

It was a great collaboration. Thanks to Wollondilly Shire Council, Khaled Sabsabi, Jerome Pearce and the local artists and students we worked with. Thanks also to Leigh Perrett, Andy Ko and Audio Visual Events.

Hope you enjoyed it and some exciting news coming soon!


