Tag: Goodman Arts Centre
Stutter Premiere in Singapore and MWMW Event at MPPT are Complete
Thank you very much to all the people who came to the Stutter premiere in Singapore. We had a great journey with RAW Moves. Stutterプレミアにご来場いただき誠にありがとうございました。RAW Movesととても充実した新作制作、上演をすることができました。
Stutter BTS Trailer
Our new work ‘Stutter’ SOLD OUT on 2/12 (Fri)!LIMITED TICKETS left for 1/12 (Thurs) & 3/12 (Sat), book your tickets now at rawmoves.net/stutter. 新作「Stutter」チケットがほぼ売り切れました。初日と楽日のチケットがわずかに残っておりますので、是非シンガポールにいる方はこの機会をお見逃しなく。
New creation Stutter with RAW Moves in Singapore
We are off to Singapore to create our new work, ‘Stutter‘, commissioned by RAW Moves. We are very excited to make our second work with RAW Moves, following on from ‘Subtle Downtempo No’ in 2019. Thanks to Ricky Sim, Director of RAW Moves for inviting us and thanks to the National Arts Council Singapore, Saison…
Subtle Downtempo No flashback
‘Subtle Downtempo No’ with RAW Moves was a success! We would like to thank everybody involved and the audiences in Singapore who came to experience the work. RAW Movesとの新作Subtle Downtempo Noの創作、初演が無事終わりました。作品に携わった全ての皆様、会場へ足を運んでくださった観客の方々へ感謝申し上げます。
Subtle Downtempo No Trailer
https://www.facebook.com/rawmoves.sg/videos/1212060048970100/ 25-27 July 2019 @ Block O, Goodman Arts Centre Book your Ticket
Company Class
Anna is teaching company classesEvery Monday 9:30AM-11:00AM during creation of Subtle Downtempo No Class at RAW Moves (Goodman Arts Centre, 90 Goodman Road, Block B, #01-08, Singapore, Singapore)To book your spot contact to RAW Moves RAW Movesでのカンパニークラスを新作のクリエイション期間中毎週月曜日9:30AM-11:00AM教えています。クラスを受けたい方はRAW Movesまでお問い合わせください。
First week of creation – SDN
We are having a great time with RAW Moves in Singapore. These images were taken while filming a behind the scenes trailer. Stay tuned! ‘Subtle Downtempo No’ runs from the 25th-27th July 2019 @ Goodman Arts Centre. Tickets are here. シンガポールのダンスカンパニーRAW Movesでの創作は日々続いています!写真は先日トレイラーの撮影中の一コマ。Subtle Downtempo No、2019年7月25日~27日@グッドマンアーツセンター チケットはこちら
Subtle Downtempo No with RAW Moves
We are going to make a new full length work ‘Suble Downtempo No’ in collaboration with Singaporean dance company RAW Moves. The premiere is on the 25th July 2019 at Block O, Goodman Arts Centre. Tickets are available here.Please stay tuned to this blog and RAW Moves Facebook for more information. シンガポールのダンスカンパニーRAW Movesの委託により新作「Subtle Downtempo No」を共同制作、発表致します。初演公開日は2019年7月25日、会場はGoodman…