Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023 complete
We finished presenting our new work Dove Lake at Dance Lab 2023, SCOOL, Mitaka. Please see details on the Dove Lake page. Dance Lab 2023 にて新作「Dove Lake」@三鷹SCOOLでの上演を無事終えました。作品についてはDove Lakeページをご覧ください。
New work at Dance Lab
We are very excited to join Nibroll’s Dance Lab.We will be creating a new work collaborating with Taiwanese dancer Lai Yu-Feng during residencies in Taipei and at MPP Totsuka. Nibrollの新プロジェクトDance Labに参加します。Murasaki Penguinはダンサーのヨウ・フォンと一緒に台湾とMPP戸塚で滞在制作します。