Tag: Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Sit at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Our new work Sit in Near x Far exhibition launched today.
Install Day 1
This week is install week for the Near x Far exhibition opening on the 22nd of July.
Murasaki Penguin’s new work ‘Sit’ at NEAR X FAR
Murasaki Penguin’s new installation ‘Sit’ will be a part of NEAR X FAR Exhibition at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre from 22nd July until 17th September. This is an inspiration image.
Upcoming projects in July
Upcoming projects in July… 7月のおしらせ
Workshop at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
WORKSHOPS: STUDIO SWITCH | PHYSICAL COPY WITH ANNA KURODA Booking tickets Saturday 2 July 10.30am | $5 Join Anna Kuroda in unique multi-disciplinary workshop exploring language and dance. Learn to use a traditional Japanese calligraphy brush, and work with Anna as you recreate the movements of the brush strokes with choreographed movements.
Upcoming projects in May
Upcoming projects in May… 5月にあるプロジェクトのおしらせです。
Murasaki Penguin Overall 2014
Wow, 2015 is waiting right around the corner. Here is a quick look back at Murasaki Penguin’s 2014. いよいよ年の瀬が近づいてまいりました。皆さまいかがおすごしでしょうか。私達Murasaki Penguinの今年のまとめふりかえりたいと思います。