Tag: Projection
We will be working on Nibroll’s new piece ‘A journey without distance’. Tickets will start being sold on the 1st of July 2022. Do not miss it! The details are below in Japanese. ニブロール新作「距離のない旅」に出演(黒田)、映像・照明(カークパトリック)で参加致します。チケット発売2022年7月1日です。是非観にいらしてください。
Subtle Downtempo No flashback
‘Subtle Downtempo No’ with RAW Moves was a success! We would like to thank everybody involved and the audiences in Singapore who came to experience the work. RAW Movesとの新作Subtle Downtempo Noの創作、初演が無事終わりました。作品に携わった全ての皆様、会場へ足を運んでくださった観客の方々へ感謝申し上げます。
Performance at Singapore Inside Out
Motion Theory Ong Kian Peng (SG) x Murasaki Penguin (AUS) Singapore Inside Out, Kensington Street, Chippendale, Sydney Taking reference from a hyperboloid, “Motion Theory” is a collaboration between Ong and Murasaki Penguin. This kinetic installation transforms the streetscape with its fluid forms and visual projections. Togther with live performances during specific times of the…
Sit at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Our new work Sit in Near x Far exhibition launched today.
Install Day 1
This week is install week for the Near x Far exhibition opening on the 22nd of July.
Murasaki Penguin’s new work ‘Sit’ at NEAR X FAR
Murasaki Penguin’s new installation ‘Sit’ will be a part of NEAR X FAR Exhibition at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre from 22nd July until 17th September. This is an inspiration image.
IlluminARTe 2017 pictures
We would like to share some images from the IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival 2017. This stunning air brush painting is by Daus Von Roe. All works on this page were mapped to buildings by Murasaki Penguin for Wollondilly Shire Council.
April Update
This Saturday 29th is IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival in Picton. Please join! 今週土曜日今年もピクトンで行われるフェスティバルの映像をしてます。
Window trailer released
You can watch the Window (2016) trailer here. https://www.murasakipenguin.com/works/window/ Window (2016) の短い映像をアップしました。是非ご覧ください。https://www.murasakipenguin.com/works/window/
Upcoming projects in May
Upcoming projects in May… 5月にあるプロジェクトのおしらせです。
Window at Speak Local Forum, Interchange Festival
Window at On The Cusp finished
Thank you for coming On The Cusp.