Tag: Movement
We will be working on Nibroll’s new piece ‘A journey without distance’. Tickets will start being sold on the 1st of July 2022. Do not miss it! The details are below in Japanese. ニブロール新作「距離のない旅」に出演(黒田)、映像・照明(カークパトリック)で参加致します。チケット発売2022年7月1日です。是非観にいらしてください。
New work in development
We have been working on our new project in Studio 404, Parramatta. This residency was given to us by Form Dance. The new work’s idea is based on Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania. Anna visited during a residency with Reina Kimura through Critical Path last year. There are lines of bubbles on the surface on…
Performance at Singapore Inside Out
Motion Theory Ong Kian Peng (SG) x Murasaki Penguin (AUS) Singapore Inside Out, Kensington Street, Chippendale, Sydney Taking reference from a hyperboloid, “Motion Theory” is a collaboration between Ong and Murasaki Penguin. This kinetic installation transforms the streetscape with its fluid forms and visual projections. Togther with live performances during specific times of the…
Travelling in March
Recently I (Anna) ran a masterclass as part of Asia TOPA, Body Archive program at Dancehouse, Melbourne. メルボルン、ダンスハウスで行われたAsia TOPAフェスティバル一貫のBody Archive programにてワークショップをしました。
Upcoming projects in July
Upcoming projects in July… 7月のおしらせ
Upcoming projects in May
Upcoming projects in May… 5月にあるプロジェクトのおしらせです。
Window at On The Cusp finished
Thank you for coming On The Cusp.
Window Sydney premiere
DAIR Showing 2015
DAIR Residency Showing finished. Thank you for coming to support and see our work in progress of Window. DAIRレジデンスのショーイングが無事終了しました。観に来てくれた方々本当にありがとうございました。
DAIR Residency Day 10
The 2nd week of our residency has somehow gone already. あっという間に2週目が終了です。
DAIR residency started!
DAIR residency started and it has been passed 1 week already. DAIRレジデンスがもうすでに始まって1週間経っています。
Murasaki Penguin Overall 2014
Wow, 2015 is waiting right around the corner. Here is a quick look back at Murasaki Penguin’s 2014. いよいよ年の瀬が近づいてまいりました。皆さまいかがおすごしでしょうか。私達Murasaki Penguinの今年のまとめふりかえりたいと思います。