Tag: Window
Travelling in March
Recently I (Anna) ran a masterclass as part of Asia TOPA, Body Archive program at Dancehouse, Melbourne. メルボルン、ダンスハウスで行われたAsia TOPAフェスティバル一貫のBody Archive programにてワークショップをしました。
Masterclass with Anna Kuroda
Anna will be teaching a masterclass ‘Working with Windows’ at Dancehouse in Melbourne as part of Asia TOPA Festival. Further details HERE. This workshop is suitable for people who would like to approach dance from an internal, minimal perspective. You will be invited to explore the choreographic concept of Murasaki Penguin’s current work ‘Window‘. Trace views…
Window trailer released
You can watch the Window (2016) trailer here. https://www.murasakipenguin.com/works/window/ Window (2016) の短い映像をアップしました。是非ご覧ください。https://www.murasakipenguin.com/works/window/
Japan trip overview
Japan trip completed! We are back in Sydney. さよなら日本の夏、ただいまシドニーの冬
Thanks to Toyota Choreography Award!
Thanks for inviting us to the Toyota Choreography Award. Window @トヨタコレオグラフィーアワード無事終了しました!
Updates from Tokyo
We are in Japan. 日本です!
TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016
We are pleased to announce Murasaki Penguin has been nominated as a finalist for the TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016. Murasaki PenguinのWindowの振付がトヨタコレオグラフィーアワード2016のファイナリストとして選ばれました。
Window at Speak Local Forum, Interchange Festival
Window at On The Cusp finished
Thank you for coming On The Cusp.
Window Sydney premiere
Window at Dance In Asia 2015 finished
Our new work Window at Dance In Asia 2015 has completed. Thank you very much for coming! ダンスインアジア2015 新作Windowの上演無事終了しました。ご来場いただいた皆様どうもありがとうございました!
DAIR Residency Day 10
The 2nd week of our residency has somehow gone already. あっという間に2週目が終了です。